Reinventing the way to present anime.
My bestfriend and closest working partner, Patrick Bradley, was using CrunchyRoll to attempt to find information about his favourite anime at the time: Demon Slayer. Eventually he got fed up due to the lack of modern, easy-to-access, presentable information just simply to share to his friends. He came to me with this idea, and being an anime fan myself, loved it.
After realizing why we wanted a site like this, we then got to work choosing our favourite anime to display information on, as well as methods of providing simple information for other anime/manga. Once we chose our anime, we combined our lists and decided to take 4 each and create wholly unique designs using our principles and techniques, while still managing to combine them into the overall site, not making them feel out of place.
Nuxt | JavaScript | FontAwesome | Axios | GitHub Pages | Cloud Storage | APIs
Given the amount of anime/manga data we would need, and the image-based content we used in our designs, I knew I couldn't supply all of the data myself; we also needed a place for storage for images since it would overload our site, not causing it to load, this is where the APIs and cloud storage come in.
I created a basic JSON API for the unique pages we chose to make. This approach was because I knew the development needed to be modular, otherwise, it would take forever to hard-code every page. I also used to populate the pages with the basic information needed to fill space and boost our site thematically. Consumed and populated using Axios and Nuxt, I created a blazing-fast experience with simple caching for future use.
While I've used cloud storage services before, this was the first time I needed more storage than ever and needed to make sure uptime was perfect. I chose Cloudinary, to gain extra storage and bandwidth for no cost. I consumed the data using their simple API, and voila: 24/7 access with insane load speeds.